
Daily Work At Home Tips From MummyJene’s Blog

by - August 13, 2020

Daily Work At Home Tips From MummyJene’s Blog 

Did you suddenly find yourself in a work at home scenario due to COVID quarantine? Or did you recently shift from corporate to work at home? Or are you looking for new ways to establish a better routine? If you haven't read this post on tips to maximize when working at home, I recommend you to do that first as your guide. 

2 Main Things You Shouldn't Do When Working From Home 

Avoid managing time, instead of managing your energy. 

According to the psychology of productivity, time management is not the thing for productivity. Instead, energy management is what we should all be doing. This means that our productivity dwindles as our energy depletes. So the best way to be productive is to arrange a work schedule or routine during the time of the day when you have the most energy. Also, instead of pushing to have an output, do activities that will replenish energy. Staying healthy and active are other healthy tips that translate to productivity. Tips to increase daily energy levels are getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy food. 

Work less, not harder. 

We're taught in our younger days to work hard to become successful. And then, the "work smart not hard" motto became an overnight trend. Researcher Michael Inzlicht says that high cognitive functioning is dependent on a person's emotions. This means that our self-control wanes overtime. This results from emotion rather than ability. When two goals become a conflict, a person has a higher tendency to choose emotion over cognitive. You need to manage your distractions to be productive. This way, you do not create conflict between your work goals and want goals. Fighting conflicts every time will wane your self-control overtime. You know from experience that you would give in to your wants sooner. Self-motivation and limiting distraction is the best way to work smart that creates results.

Sample Daily Work Schedules For Work At Home Moms 

Mom creates' Daily Schedule for Work at Home Mom 

Emily is a believer in freedom within structures. She identified her first working block first, then her second working block after. She also has a list of filler tasks that she can do even with little energy left. It's also important to note that you need to identify your house appearance tolerance. This means the level of your tolerance is either a spotless home or a clean home. Because your tolerance will dictate the number of hours and household chores, you need to do first. 

Meet Penny's Daily Routine for Work at Home Mom

Penny suggests finding the time of the day that you are most productive. Reserve your most important tasks during this window. Also, start by identifying which part of the day that you still have enough energy and the time when you have the least distractions. Penny also included her daily sample activities that you can benchmark. 

Wunder Mom's Daily Routine for Work at Home Mom 

Rachael starts her day with a cup of coffee and a bit of work. She then proceeds with family duties and comes back with some work after she drops the kids off to school. She has blocks for every time of the day where she identifies time dedicated to work and family. 

Health Tips To Boost Energy 

Among the different sample blogs, you will notice that they try to wake up early and start with work immediately. You can also find this tip in MummyJene's previous blog post. The rationale is all the same. That is to start your productivity while you have the most energy and least distraction. Some work at home mom starts while the kids are still sleeping early in the morning. Others start after they drop off the kids in school. 

Knowing this, let me recommend these health tips to increase your energy over time, courtesy of MummyJene
  • Don't forget your self-care. 
  • Nurture your mind, body, and soul. 
  • Simplify your environment. 
  • Focus on your goal, and reward yourself.

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5 Comment

  1. Petua yang bagus..ok nanti blh terjah blog mummyjene ❤️

  2. Kerja buat ape yg mmpu.. Tak mmpubtinghalkan dulu.. Nice tips

  3. yang belum ada anak pun rasa sesak x cukup masa nak siapkan kerja..
    working mommies lagila kan.. tabik tabik respect !!

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